Address: 25 Lenina Street, Postavy, 211840
Phone: 8 (02155) 3-10-14, 8 (02155) 2-66-07
Fax: (8-02155)-2-18-45

Postavy at Night Tysenhaus Palace Night Embankment Embankment Church
Postavy at Night
Postavy at Night
Tysenhaus Palace
Night Embankment


27 October 2021
More than 1,900 haulers were queuing in Belarus to cross the border with the European Union as of 8.00 on 27 October, BelTA learned from the website of the State Border Committee.
22 October 2021
A follow-up visit of the pre-OSART (Operational Safety Review Team) expert group of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the Belarusian nuclear power plant will take place on 25-29 October, the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry told BelTA.
21 October 2021
On 28 October, Belarus' National Academy of Sciences will host an international conference "Fyodor Dostoevsky - an outstanding writer, philosopher and religious thinker” to mark the 200th anniversary of the Russian writer, BelTA learned from the press service of the National Academy of Sciences.
20 October 2021
Moscow will host the permanent seminar on the development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia on 27-28 October. It will look into the application of waste management laws in Belarus and Russia, BelTA learned from the press service of the Parliamentary Assembly.
19 October 2021
A delegation of Belarusian customs officers headed by Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Eduard Danilovich took part in the meeting of the CIS Committee of Heads of Law Enforcement Units of the Heads of Customs Services Council in Tashkent, BelTA learnt from the State Customs Committee of Belarus.
18 October 2021

Belarus confirmed 1,981 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours on 17 October; another 2,173 coronavirus patients were discharged from hospital, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.