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21 мая 2018

Vitebsk Oblast to bolster ties with Jiangxi Province of China

A protocol of intent on friendly relations between Vitebsk Oblast of Belarus and the Chinese Province of Jiangxi was signed in a ceremony in the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee on 21 May, BelTA has learned.

Commenting on the agreement, First Vice Governor Oleg Matskevich noted that the document creates a solid foundation for building full-fledged relations between the two regions, developing the mechanisms for mutual exchanges and maintaining close contacts to discuss and search for specific forms and projects of partnership. It will also give an impetus to the development of contacts between businesses and enterprises.

"For the successful interregional cooperation we also need to develop friendship between people and economic cooperation. The friendly relations create the basis for joint implementation of industrial projects," said Yao Zengke, the chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Peoples Political Consultative Conference, the head of the Jiangxi delegation.

The most promising avenues of cooperation between Vitebsk Oblast and Jiangxi Province include agriculture, in particular milk industry, and construction of dairy farms. Development of cooperation in seed farming, both cultivation and manufacture of finished products, is of mutual interest. Vitebsk food manufacturers are interested in promoting their products to the Chinese market, including through Chinese shopping centers of the province of Jiangxi. Vitebsk Oblast cal also offer the projects to build hydroelectric power stations, logistics centers, waste treatment plants in which Chinese investors can participate, added Oleg Matskevich.

These areas might be negotiated during the visit of a Belarusian delegation to Jiangxi in the second half of the year for the large international economic fair.

Tourism, cooperation in education and training of personnel are promising areas of cooperation in the humanitarian area. The Chinese side is ready to allocate scholarships to students from Vitebsk Oblast to study at one of the educational institutions in the province, Yao Zengke noted.

Jiangxi is located in the eastern part of China, has an area of almost 166,000 sq km and a population of about 46 million. The province is rich in natural resources and minerals (copper, silver, uranium, gold, tungsten, etc.). Jiangxi is one of the largest agricultural regions of China. The metallurgical industry plays an important role in the industrial development. Historically, the most important industry is the manufacture of ceramics and porcelain.

