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Postavy at Night
Postavy at Night
Tysenhaus Palace
Night Embankment
29 September 2015

Lukashenko suggests integration of integrations idea to address global economic threats

Speaking at the general debate of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko suggested implementing the idea of integration of integrations in order to address global economic threats, BelTA informs.

Alexander Lukashenko stressed that global economic threats pose a serious challenge to the world's stability.

"Currency wars, sanctions, redivision of commodity markets, unfair competition and other negative phenomena aggravate the global crisis. And attempts of a number of leading states to solve their problems at the expense of other countries only add to confrontation and estrangement," noted the Belarusian leader.

According to the President of Belarus, there is only one way out of this deadlock. It is only possible through all-round cooperation of economies and sustainable development for the benefit of the entire world community. The support of poor countries is of utmost importance here.

"Only through common efforts will we be able to forge a new formula of universal mutually beneficial cooperation. As a foundation of such cooperation, Belarus proposes the idea of integration of integrations as the most topical trend of the modern world," Alexander Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian head of state pointed a big number of new integration entities that have emerged in the past years. "We speak about the prospects of cooperation between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, about the large-scale Great Silk Way project, about creating the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Zone, as well as about dozens of others," said the Belarusian leader.

"If we succeed in avoiding unnecessary and dangerous competition among integration models, and instead make them compatible and complementary, we will ideally be able to establish a global integration structure that would encompass the entire planet and closely connect different regions and continents. Such a paradigm would enable peaceful coexistence of different nations and states united by the common purpose of progress and prosperity," the Belarusian head of state believes.

"The value of the integration process lies in its democratic nature. To a certain extent it equalizes the opportunities for all stakeholders and enables small and middle-sized countries to develop their potential and become an important link in this process," the President of Belarus stressed.

In his words, the key prerequisite for integration is mutual benefit. "The desire to reap immediate unilateral advantages is, on the contrary, what lies at the root of evil," the Belarusian leader believes.

"We need to realize our responsibility for the future and to think about what we will leave after ourselves. We must not forget that extreme poverty in some regions of the planet, outrageous social inequalities, disproportions between states, lack of opportunities, first and foremost, among young people form a fertile ground for international terrorism and organized crime," Alexander Lukashenko stressed.