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Night Embankment
Night Embankment
Tysenhaus Palace
Postavy at Night
2 July 2024

Lukashenko presents government awards to outstanding Belarusians

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko presented government awards to outstanding citizens in the Palace of Independence on 2 July, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that the ceremony was taking place on the eve of the key state holiday – Independence Day. He stressed that 3 July is a holy and symbolic date because the city of Minsk was liberated and peaceful life in Belarus was resumed then.

“In the fire of the Great Patriotic War the republic lost every third resident or maybe even more. But we didn’t kneel before the enemy. We fought and won,” the head of state said.

The president reminded that 80 years ago the remaining civilian residents of Minsk welcomed Soviet tanks with joy. Operation Bagration was not over yet and soldiers of the Red Army were moving to the west in order to destroy the enemy in their own territory, liberate the country, and reach Berlin. “Long months of the war, nearly a year were ahead of them. But it was already obvious that the victory would be ours,” Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled the heroic past. He also mentioned a parade of Belarusian partisans in Minsk. He noted that the definition is not exactly precise because the underground resistance movement and many other people had also fought against the enemy: “Belarus was not only a partisan republic. It was not a parade of only partisans. It was a parade of our resistance movement.”

The president remarked that huge work to restore the liberated Belarusian capital city and later on the entire country began 80 years ago. “I am convinced that in July 1944 in their fairest dreams people already saw Belarus the way we can see it now. Independent, beautiful and most importantly peaceful.”

He pointed out that ahead of Independence Day Belarusians traditionally recall their heroic history, bow to the memory of the fallen, and honor those, who give their talent and skills in the name of the glory of the Motherland.

A lot of people in uniform were among those the president presented awards to. Those were representatives of the Armed Forces, state security agencies, internal affairs agencies, the border service, who defend peace and calm in Belarus with weapons in arms. “We saw it in 2020. Just like mythic Atlas defense, security, and law enforcement officers keep the clear sky of our country on their shoulders. And they will keep doing it,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

At the same time representatives of civilian professions should now work with full commitment and essentially according to wartime laws, the head of state is convinced. In his words, those, who turned up for the award ceremony in the Palace of Independence, have been working for years like that. The number included respected executives and administrators, who have dedicated themselves to complicated civil service, to ensuring constitutional legitimacy and the rule of the people, as well as heads of major enterprises and entire economy branches.

“I am glad that workers of science and education are present here: professors, scientists, inventors, teachers, who have raised winners of academic excellence competitions. You make a huge contribution to the country’s future, to the intellectual and technological future,” the president said.

The awardees included agrarians, miners, construction workers, and transport industry professionals. “And there is a large and friendly team behind everyone, who has come here,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. The head of state had the kindest words to say to those, who take care of social work and community service, to those, who take care of the elderly, particularly those, who have survived the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Addressing all those present during the ceremony, the president stressed: “You are worthy successors of those, who defended our freedom and independence 80 years ago only to rebuild the ruins and expedite the country’s development ahead of projections. After gaining sovereignty we built a truly people’s state together. And nowadays however hard things may be, it is our turn to write new pages of Belarusian history. Bright, happy, and definitely peaceful ones. Time has chosen us.”

The head of state congratulated participants of the award ceremony on the upcoming Independence Day. He wished this holiday and this solemn ceremony to become a new impulse to professional accomplishments for them and for all the residents of the country.

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