Address: 25 Lenina Street, Postavy, 211840
Phone: 8 (02155) 3-10-14, 8 (02155) 2-66-07
Fax: (8-02155)-2-18-45

Embankment Tysenhaus Palace Church Night Embankment Postavy at Night
Tysenhaus Palace
Night Embankment
Postavy at Night


1 April 2024
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has approved the State Investment Program for 2024. He signed the corresponding decree № 119 on March 29, BelTA informs. A total of 120 objects are included in the State Investment Program this year, 41 of which are planned to be put into operation. It is also planned to start financing the construction (reconstruction) of 16 new facilities, including 4 road construction facilities, 2 family-type orphanages, 2 hospitals, 4 infrastructure...
29 March 2024
Price control practices will stay in place in Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he was hearing a report on the performance of the banking system and measures to bolster foreign trade, BelTA has learned. One of the major issues, which the head of state drew attention to, was about the system of price regulation in the country. The president reminded those present at the meeting that both the National Bank and the government were responsible for inflation and price growth...
28 March 2024
On 27 March, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 112 to amend the rules regulating the provision and use of gratuitous (sponsor) aid that were in force after the adoption of Decree No. 300 on 1 July 2005, BelTA learned from the press service of the head of state. The document introduces additional restrictions on the provision of such assistance. It cannot be provided by organizations where the government has a stake of 50% or more if these organizations have...
27 March 2024
The flight of a Belarusian cosmonaut to the ISS is not only about the country's image, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko told the media on 26 March, BelTA has learned. “This is not only about the country’s image. This is a whole industry,” the president said. He added that the image of a country capable of training and launching a woman cosmonaut into space is also important. The head of state thanked Russia and personally Vladimir Putin for assistance provided in the...
26 March 2024
There are plenty of reserves to increase trade between Belarus and Russia’s Omsk Oblast, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Omsk Oblast Governor Vitaly Khotsenko on 25 March, BelTA has learned.   The president noted that the head of the Russian region was well familiar with Belarus, its history, outstanding people, industrial flagships and agriculture. “We can start our work immediately, without any delay. Your visit testifies to the fact that we can do...
25 March 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko had a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.  The Belarusian head of state once again expressed his deep condolences to his Russian counterpart in connection with the terrorist attack in Moscow Oblast.  The presidents reaffirmed their commitment to continuing further active cooperation between the two countries and maintaining contacts between the...