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Night Embankment Embankment Tysenhaus Palace Postavy at Night Church
Night Embankment
Night Embankment
Tysenhaus Palace
Postavy at Night
12 December 2023

Kochanova discusses prospects of Belarus' fur industry

Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova hosted a meeting to discuss fur production at the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies (Belkoopsoyuz). Taking part in the meeting were representatives of the government, Belarusian state light industry concern Bellegprom and Belkoopsoyuz, BelTA reports.

The meeting at the Council of the Republic was held in furtherance of the 24 November meeting with the team of the GNL design center of the Belkoopvneshtorg enterprise of Belkoopsoyuz. Now this team works for Grodnokoopmekh. It was agreed at the meeting to hold another discussion on the ways to increase efficiency of the fur workshop.

Natalya Kochanova noted that Grodnokoopmekh's department for the production and sale of fur products has a good team. The products are known not only in Belarus, but also far beyond. “We agreed that you would put forward proposals on how to retain this team, specialists, and what decisions should be made by Belkoopsoyuz to keep this organization afloat,” the speaker said opening the meeting.

Several issues were discussed at the meeting, including salaries. The chair of the Council of the Republic urged to raise salaries, but remarked that pay rises should be earned. “Nobody says that salaries will be paid for nothing,” the speaker emphasized.

She also focused on the personnel issues. Until recently, the team had 50 people, by now only 17 remained. Thus, the participants of the meeting discussed measures to resolve the personnel issues. There is a shared understanding that it will not be easy to do. “We understand how difficult it is today to find qualified professionals in the light industry,” noted Natalya Kochanova.

The meeting preceded Natalya Kochanova's meeting with the staff of Grodnokoopmekh's department for the production and sale of fur products.

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