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Night Embankment Postavy at Night Tysenhaus Palace Embankment Church
Night Embankment
Night Embankment
Postavy at Night
Tysenhaus Palace
12 February 2024

Expert speaks about level of automation at BelNPP

Aleksandr Yerin, Deputy Chief Engineer for Personnel Training - Head of the Training Center of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP), spoke at a roundtable hosted by BelTA about the level of automation of all the processes at the BelNPP in order to exclude human factor in case of possible emergency situations. 

“The BelNPP uses modern systems, including an automated process control system. These systems are designed by the enterprises of the Russian Federation, which are part of Rosatom State Corporation. The application of these systems is based on the principles of diversity, independence and reservation of safety channels. These systems also take into account the human factor and possible personnel errors,” Aleksandr Yerin said. 

According to the specialist, the automated control system allows the application of redundant measuring instruments for the protection of process equipment.

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