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Church Night Embankment Embankment Tysenhaus Palace Postavy at Night
Night Embankment
Tysenhaus Palace
Postavy at Night
20 February 2023

Belarus' national security concept updated over growing tensions in the world

Belarus' national security concept needed to be adjusted and adapted to modern realities, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich said at a meeting of the Security Council in Minsk on 20 February, BelTA has learned.

During the meeting members of the Security Council discussed the draft of the updated national security concept. The document was prepared by an interdepartmental working group on the instructions of the president, which he gave at the sixth Belarusian People's Congress two years ago. The working group working included representatives of 34 bodies and organizations.

"This document required adjustment and adaptation to modern realities. This is due to the processes and trends in the system of international relations that have taken shape since the concept was adopted 12 years ago," Aleksandr Volfovich said.

Among the key factors for the modernization of the national security concept, the secretary of state, first of all, called the actual reformatting of the world order. "Today we see clear prerequisites for the formation of a multipolar world. This gives rise to more and more contradictions and crises. The United States of America is not coping with the role of the world policeman and is no longer dominating the global politics, although its influence is just as great today," he said.

The U.S. flight from Afghanistan, its failed attempts to break up Syria, the loss of influence on the OPEC states have become a catalyst for changing the balance of power, Aleksandr Volfovich added.

During the meeting Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko demanded that the updated national security concept should be an open document. According to him, unlike a number of countries, including former Soviet nations where such documents are classified, Belarus decided not to hide anything.

“You also know that this is my principled demand. We must clearly and openly declare our priorities, we must show the world the transparency of our policy, the reliability of Belarus as a responsible partner. But our partners must also know that Belarusian peacefulness is not synonymous to sacrifice. As I have said more than once, in the event of any aggression, the response will be fast, tough and adequate,” the Belarusian leader said.