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Embankment Tysenhaus Palace Postavy at Night Night Embankment Church
Tysenhaus Palace
Postavy at Night
Night Embankment
6 July 2023

Belarus discusses border security cooperation with SCO countries

The ninth meeting of the heads of border services of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, representatives of the State Border Committee of Belarus told BelTA.

Representatives of the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure and the Council of Commanders of Border Troops of the CIS member states also took part in the meeting. The delegation of the State Border Committee of Belarus took part in the meeting as an observer.

Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Konstantin Molostov remarked that Belarus views the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an important international platform for advancing cooperation in counteracting various threats. In particular, the conversation touched upon the counteraction of terrorism, extremism, organized crime, and illegal drugs trade. He stressed that Belarus is in favor of bolstering practical cooperation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states for the sake of ensuring stability in the Eurasian region.

The Belarusian border service chief noted: “I am convinced that a lot of worthy ideas and proposals will be presented here today on further advancement of mutually beneficial cooperation in the sphere of ensuring the border security of our states. Only through joint efforts will we be able to counteract various ‘forces of evil' and foster the development of the multifaceted potential of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.”

Participants of the meeting exchanged information about the situation at the borders of the SCO member states, about results of the joint border operation Friendship Border 2022. Participants of the meeting also reviewed and approved a plan on preparing and carrying out the joint border operation Solidarity 2023 this year.

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