Address: 25 Lenina Street, Postavy, 211840
Phone: 8 (02155) 3-10-14, 8 (02155) 2-66-07
Fax: (8-02155)-2-18-45

Postavy at Night Church Tysenhaus Palace Night Embankment Embankment
Postavy at Night
Postavy at Night
Tysenhaus Palace
Night Embankment


8 May 2024
It is important that the state and society join efforts for stability and prosperity of Belarus, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik told the media after a ceremony to lay flowers at the Military Cemetery as part of the national-wide campaign "Belarus Remembers. We Remember Everyone” in Minsk on 7 May, BelTA has learned. "In these blessed days of May, we are visiting the monuments that the long-suffering Belarusian land is dotting with. We are honoring the memory of...
6 May 2024
Belarus’ employment laws are in place to make sure workers’ rights are protected, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus (FTUB) Yuri Senko said in an interview to ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. “Our enterprises demonstrate stable operation. New enterprises open and new jobs are created, including with the participation of trade unions. At the invitation of ministries and agencies we take an active part in the search for solutions, necessary for our...
3 May 2024
A temporary exhibition timed to the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders will open in the National Historical Museum on 7 May, BelTA has learned.  The temporary exhibition features photo collages with sights of Belarusian towns and cities before the war, images of the same city blocks after barbaric German bombings and artillery barrages as well as modern sights of the populated localities that have been restored after the war and over the years of Belarus’...
2 May 2024
In Belarus, widest career opportunities are open for representatives of any ethnicity and faith, Belarusian Culture Minister Anatoly Markevich said as he addressed a ministerial meeting during the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue: “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity” which opened in Baku, Azerbaijan on 1 May.  Belarus has historically been a multinational country being home to representatives of 130 nationalities, Anatoly Markevich...
30 April 2024
How the work to build the facility to bury radioactive waste will be organized has been explained by Head of the Science and Information Section of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) Natalya Gurnovich at a press conference, BelTA has learned. Natalya Gurnovich said: “A lot of work was done in 2023 to form the radioactive waste management infrastructure. A plan of the main organizational measures to build the radioactive...
29 April 2024
Belarusian President, Chairman of the Belarusian People's Congress Aleksandr Lukashenko heard out the report of Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian People's Congress Aleksandr Kosinets and Head of the Secretariat Valery Mitskevich via a conference call on 29 April, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian head of state. Following the first session of the 7th Belarusian People's Congress held on 24-25 April, the Belarusian leader set a number of tasks outlining the main issues...