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5 May 2016
The exhibition "The Price of Occupation" will open at the military museum of the Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve on 9 May, BelTA learned from Sergey Kopyl, the head of the military museum. The exhibition marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and Belarus' occupation by the Nazi invaders. The exhibition will feature the unique photos taken by the invaders in the occupied city of Polotsk, the documents that the occupation authorities...
28 April 2016
Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Natalia Kochanova has held a session of the committee in charge of organizing the 25th international art festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk, the press service of the Belarus government told BelTA. During the session Natalia Kochanova said: "The festival means a lot for our country. Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk has become a symbol of Belarus. This year it will mark its 25th anniversary and we should organize the event properly." She also spoke in favor of...
13 April 2016
Orsha school teachers will get an opportunity for on-the-job training and Chinese language courses in China. These are the results of the visit of the Chinese delegation to Orsha, BelTA learnt from head of the Orsha District Department of Education, Sport and Tourism Andrei Zagursky. Since 2014 Chinese language open classrooms have been run in three educational establishments of Orsha: secondary schools No.16 and No.3 and Gymnasium No.2. The courses are supported by the Institute of...
6 April 2016
The Polish professional music ensemble Capella Cracoviensis will perform in Polotsk on 7 April to open the program of the 29th International Festival of Ancient and Contemporary Chamber Music, BelTA learned from Yelena Martynova, the head of the concert department at the Saint Sophia Cathedral. "The guests from Krakow will take part in the festival for the first time. Capella Cracoviensis is a Baroque ensemble comprising eminent musicians from Poland, the Netherlands, France, and...
30 March 2016
The Slovak Republic intends to take an active part in the 25th edition of the International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovakia to Belarus Jozef Migas said as he met with Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Nikolai Sherstnev, BelTA has learned. "The Days of Slovakia were held in Vitebsk in 2014 and 2015. This year, we also intend to participate in the festival. Our participation can roughly be called "Slovak...
23 March 2016
The future museum of early 20th century avant-garde art in Vitebsk will considerably enhance the city's status, Head of the Belarus President Administration Alexander Kosinets said during his working visit to Vitebsk Oblast on 19 March, BelTA has learned. The building of the People's Art School in Vitebsk set up by Marc Chagall in early 20th century is currently under renovation. Alexander Kosinets believes that a whole museum complex should be created in the old part of the city. "This...