
Russian journalist: Minsk III is needed to settle situation in Ukraine

Minsk III is needed to settle the situation in Ukraine, Russian TV host, head of the Global Energy Association (Russia) Sergey Brilev said in the documentary "In Search of Peace" aired by the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA learned.

"Putting your place on the map is worth a lot. Today everyone knows that there is such a city as Minsk. One should pay tribute to the efforts of Belarusian diplomacy and the entire Belarusian state, certainly to Aleksandr Lukashenko who promoted Minsk as a platform [for negotiations],” Sergey Brilev noted. 

The Russian journalist interviewed the Belarusian president in September 2014. Sergey Brilev emphasized that the head of state was very humble about his role. For the Belarusian leader, the main thing was people's lives, and for the sake of that he was ready to "do whatever they say, quietly and calmly. 
