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Postavy Regional Executive Committee
2 August 2022

Kochanova meets with health workers from Minsk

Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly Natalya Kochanova has hosted a meeting with healthcare professionals from Minsk, BelTA learned from the press service of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament.

Taking part in the meeting were employees of the emergency medical services, hospitals, including infectious diseases hospitals, and outpatient clinics.

The parties discussed a broad range of issues. Top on the agenda was a possible spike of the coronavirus infection that may coincide with a seasonal increase in respiratory diseases in the autumn and winter and the healthcare sector's readiness to deliver emergency medical care and routine services. The specialists also discussed the work of outpatient and inpatient clinics, vaccination, including the delivery of booster vaccines.

Other important matters on the agenda were the preparedness of healthcare facilities to administer regular health checks, the operation of medical equipment, the supply of medicines and consumables. The experts also discussed personnel issues - from staffing to the ideological aspect. In this context, it was noted that in August healthcare workers will start getting bonuses initiated by the head of state.

According to experts, medical facilities are operating routinely, the number of ambulance calls is small. Everything is in place for a stable and uninterrupted operation of the healthcare sector.

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