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Postavy Regional Executive Committee
4 October 2023

History seen as instrumental in countering smear campaign against Belarus, Russia

Historical science plays a key role in combating the smear campaign waged against Belarus and Russia from abroad, Deputy Minister of Education Anastasia Zyryanova of the Russian Federation said during the forum "Russia and Belarus: Common History, Common Destiny", BelTA has learned.

"Today we are faced with the strongest information pressure, we see many attempts to falsify the history. They rewrite school textbooks, turn the historical facts upside down, demolish monuments. The goal is obvious: to sow interethnic and interfaith discord, to incite linguistic chauvinism, to pit the cousin nations against each other. This is why it is so important to pass on the historical truth from generation to generation. Historical science plays a key role in the formation of national identity and the preservation of cultural heritage. History is the cornerstone of everything," Anastasia Zyryanova said.

She stressed that Belarus and Russia provide each other with comprehensive assistance and support in the field of preserving historical justice and cultural heritage. Cooperation will continue to grow stronger.

The forum discusses ways of preserving the historical memory of Belarus and Russia, countering the falsification of the joint history of the two countries and the revision of the results of World War II. The forum began with a plenary session and continues with three breakout sessions to discuss the Russian-Belarusian cooperation to preserve historical memory and counter the falsification of history, to nurture the spiritual and moral values in new generations. Other items on the agenda include the historical education, historical and legal assessments and approaches to the study and coverage of the genocide committed by the Nazi on the territory of Belarus and Russia.

The next day, 4 October, the forum will continue with the roundtable "The Union State of Russia and Belarus: History and Modernity". The program also includes the events to launch the book "No statute of limitations... Crimes of fascism against the peoples of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" from the series "Library of the Union State", books and collections of documents published by Russian and Belarusian historians and archivists. The participants of the event will also visit the Khatyn memorial complex.

The event was organized by the Center for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Historical Memory Foundation and the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The forum was held with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State.

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