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Postavy Regional Executive Committee
5 September 2023

Belarus-Uzbekistan women's business forum to continue with six meetings on 5 September

The Belarusian-Uzbek women's business forum will feature six meetings on 5 September, BelTA has learned.

In Zhodino the Belarusian heavy truck manufacturer BelAZ will host a meeting of Section No.1 entitled as Expansion of Industrial Cooperation between Belarus and Uzbekistan. The parties are set to discuss issues of further cooperation between the two countries in machine building and industrial cooperation, and to consider promising innovations in urban passenger transportation. Specialists of Belarusian enterprises will present the information about their products and novelties to their Uzbek counterparts.

The Minsk City Palace of Culture will host Section No.2 – Promising Areas of Cooperation in the Light Industry. The meeting will highlight issues related to the development of cooperation ties and implementation of joint projects, provision of the industry with raw materials and qualified personnel. An introductory excursion to the Kamvol production workshops will be held as part of the sectional program. Plans are in place to sign a number of commercial contracts.

The Ozeritsky-Agro agricultural company in Smolevichi District will host Section No.3 - Strengthening the Partnership Between the Agro-Industrial Complexes of Belarus and Uzbekistan. The section envisages a number of events, including a flower ceremony at the Mound of Glory Memorial to pay the tribute to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, to visit the dairy farm, vegetable and potato storage, and attend an exhibition of Ozeritskiy-Agro products. The agenda of the meeting includes topical issues of cooperation in the agro-industrial complex of Belarus and Uzbekistan, the role of women's labor in the development of agriculture and rural areas, elaboration of proposals for the declaration of the first Belarusian-Uzbek women's business forum.

The Transfusion Medicine Center of City Clinical Hospital No.6 will host the meeting of Section No.4 - Medicine and Pharmaceutics - Promising Areas of Cooperation Between Belarus and Uzbekistan. The agenda of the meeting includes issues of cooperation in medicine and pharmaceutics, priority areas and perspective forecasts of medical science development, achievements and prospects of development of transfusion medicine services in Belarus and Uzbekistan. The participants of the meeting will get familiar with the operation of the Transfusion Medicine Center, Minsk Scientific and Practical Center of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology. The parties are expected to sign a number of agreements on cooperation in scientific, educational and production activities in medicine and pharmaceutics.

The National Children's Technopark will host Section No.5 to discuss Partnership in Science and Education. The participants of the meeting will study the experience of developing partnership in science and education and prospects of cooperation. The participants will also get familiar with the activities of the National Children's Technopark, scientific projects of students, visit the thematic exhibition and training laboratories. A number of agreements on cooperation in science and education will be signed at the end of the section.

The meeting of Section No.6 entitled as Culture and Tourism - Potential of Mutual Contacts will take place at the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater. Speeches are planned on the implementation of joint cultural projects, tourism development between Belarus and Uzbekistan, prospects for cooperation in museum activities, export of educational services.

The key event of the first Belarusian-Uzbek women's business forum - the plenary session Women in Business - Potential for Development of Business Cooperation between Belarus and Uzbekistan - will take place on 6 September.

The forum is organized by the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

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