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Postavy Regional Executive Committee


12 November 2014
The concert “Dedication to Latvia” starring folk dance companies Saime and Laismena will be the culmination of the Days of Latvia in Vitebsk, BelTA learned from the Vitebsk Cultural Center.
4 November 2014
A museum exposition about the First World War has opened in Postavy. It occupies four halls of the Tyzenhaus Palace, BelTA learned from research associate of the Postavy Local History Museum Vadim Shishko.
27 October 2014
Belarusian companies should put more efforts into reaching international levels and entering the international market. The opinion was voiced by Chairman of the Polish-Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kazimierz Zdunowski in Vitebsk on 24 October, BelTA has learned. Kazimierz Zdunowski is in Vitebsk Oblast on 23-28 October on a business visit. The Polish-Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Center signed a partnership agreement in Vitebsk on...
20 October 2014
VITEBSK, 20 October (BelTA) – The 19th International Festival of Organ Music “Bells of St. Sophia Cathedral” will offer a diverse selection of music acts this year, BelTA learned the National Polotsk History and Cultural Museum-Reserve. The line-up will include musicians from Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Romania, Croatia, Russia and Belarus. this year the festival is stretched in time: the first concert was held in the ancient St. Sophia Cathedral on 12 October, and the last one is...
13 October 2014
VITEBSK, 13 October (BelTA) – A long-term tripartite agreement of intent for cooperation in physical education and sport between Polotsk District, Daugavpils and Rezekne Municipalities of Latvia was signed in Daugavpils following the international amateur ice hockey tournament, BelTA learned from the Polotsk district executive committee. The agreement is aimed at developing cooperation in martial arts (judo, kickboxing, Taekwondo), swimming, rowing, track and field, weightlifting, game...
7 October 2014
MINSK, 7 October (BelTA) – The Vitebsk-based factory OAO Vizas Plant will deliver the first batch of machine tools to Asia. The contract to supply grinding machine tools accompanied by the full set of accessories has been signed with a specialized Vietnamese supplier, the company’s Marketing Office Head Igor Danilov told BelTA. The Vitebsk-based company has made two grinding machine tools of the VZ-818 model specifically for operation in complicated climatic conditions. The merchandise...