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Postavy Regional Executive Committee


15 February 2024
Interregional cooperation between Vitebsk Oblast of Belarus and Smolensk Oblast of Russia, initiatives in patriotic education, Union State projects in the energy sector will be discussed in Vitebsk, Chairman of the Commission on Energy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, member of the Standing Committee on International Affairs and National Security of the Council of the Republic Aleksei Kushnarenko told the media after a meeting with the Vitebsk Oblast...
14 February 2024
The Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry received a business delegation from the Italian region Veneto on 13 February, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry. The visit of Italian enterprises focused on the agricultural sector is scheduled to last through 16 February. According to the ministry, the foreign delegation will have a busy program: meetings with the authorities of Minsk Oblast and Brest Oblast and visits to a number of Belarusian enterprises....
13 February 2024
Belarus has increased the export of transport services to Brazil, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, China and Indonesia in 2023, Belarusian Minister of Transport and Communications Aleksei Lyakhnovich said during a meeting to the review the industry's performance in 2023 on 11 February, BelTA has learned.  As it was noted at the meeting, external factors continued to have a negative impact on the work of the Belarusian transport industry in 2023. The industry made up for the losses by...
12 February 2024
Aleksandr Yerin, Deputy Chief Engineer for Personnel Training - Head of the Training Center of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP), spoke at a roundtable hosted by BelTA about the level of automation of all the processes at the BelNPP in order to exclude human factor in case of possible emergency situations.  “The BelNPP uses modern systems, including an automated process control system. These systems are designed by the enterprises of the Russian Federation, which are part of...
9 February 2024
Minsk and Tashkent have signed an agreement on twinning and development of multifaceted cooperation, BelTA has learned. The document was signed in Tashkent on 8 February after the talks between the presidents of Belarus and Uzbekistan. The agreement was signed by Minsk Mayor Vladimir Kukharev and Acting Khokim of Tashkent Shavkat Umurzakov. A number of important documents were signed following the meeting between the heads of state. Writen by
8 February 2024
The Belarusian Belpharmprom company and the Center for Examinations and Tests in Health Services and the Uzbek Agency on Development of Pharmaceutical Industry and the Center for Pharmaceutical Products Safety are expected to intensify cooperation in the development of safe technologies, BelTA has learned from the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus.   During a visit to Uzbekistan a Belarusian delegation headed by Healthcare Minister Aleksandr Khodzhayev examined the work of the Republican...