As of 1 March 2025, a total of 93,306 families applied for permission to use family capital ahead of schedule. Of them, 75,258 applied to use the money to improve housing conditions, 10,260 to pay for healthcare services, 7,781 to pay for education and seven to buy health products for disabled people.
The ministry granted permission to use family capital earlier to 90 504 applicants. The regional breakdown is the following: Brest Oblast (19,114 families), Vitebsk Oblast (8,638), Gomel Oblast (14 407), Grodno Oblast (10,23), Minsk Oblast (15,670), Mogilev Oblast (9147) and the city of Minsk (12,805).
The Labor and Social Security Ministry noted that the family capital program applies to families raising three and more children. From 1 January till 31 December 2025 the family capital equals Br33,275.